About Living Grace Church
Why Living Grace
Grow in the Word
We place high value on the preaching, teaching, and the personal study of the Bible. While Living Grace provides the resources and tools for understanding the Word of God, it is the responsibility of the individual believer to appropriate and utilize these tools.
Meeting the needs of the world around us, both locally and internationally is part of our everyday ministry. Living Grace actively sends our members ahead to U.S. and foreign missionary work while also focusing on serving our local community, Tacoma. It’s a place where what you learn can become more than just head knowledge.

Dr. Tom Powell
Jim Cornwell
Kevin Wilder
Emmet Hutchinson
ASSISTANT PASTOR & Christian Athletic Program
Paul Wheelock
Board of Elders
Pastor Tom Powell
Pastor Kevin Wilder
Pastor Paul Wheelock
Pastor Jim Cornwell
Pastor Emmet Hutchinson
Pastor Mitch Powell
(Glorious Grace, Yelm)
Administrative Team & Team Leaders
Dawn Bussey
Executive Administrative Assistant
Sue Powell
Publication Editor
& Administrative Assistant
Esther Wheelock
Morning Receptionist
& Honored Seniors
Pamela Rice
Director of Communications
& Drama Department
Becky Fortin
Youth Education Program Director
Rick Fortin
Deacons & A/V
Sherry Stansell
Saturday Night Meal at
Tacoma Rescue Mission
Chris & Courtnie Wilder
Living Grace Youth (Grades 6-12)
and Online Communications
What We Believe
Our Core Values
1. We believe the Word of God is the basis and authority of our lives (Ps 19:7-10; 119:89, 165; 138:2b; Mt 24:35; II Tim 3:16, 17).
• We place high value on the preaching, teaching, and the personal study of the Word of God. While the church provides the resources and tools for understanding the Word of God, it is the responsibility of the individual believer to appropriate and utilize these tools.
2. We believe in the Finished Work of Christ and its application toward all people (John 19:30; Eph 1:3; Col 2:9, 10).
3. We are motivated by the love of Christ to serve others (John 13.1-17; Gal. 5.13b).
4. We’re motivated by the love of God to share the good news of salvation through Christ (II Cor 5:14-21).
• We believe that it is the responsibility of the church to facilitate, model, and encourage the creative sharing of the good news of Christ’s accomplishments to all mankind.
5. We believe that a personal relationship is the most effective way to bring people to a decision for Christ (Mt 28:18-20; Isa 53; I John 1:1-4).
6. We believe that every member should commit to a lifestyle of consistent spiritual growth with honest accountability (Phil 1:27; I Thes 4:3; II Pet 3:18).
• We believe that the pursuit of Christ is the one and only way of honoring the giver of eternal life. We should pursue Christ above all things.
• We believe that spiritual growth is best fostered through authentic personal relationships.
• We believe that service is a means of continued spiritual growth.
7. We believe that the responsibility of the local church is to be a representation of Christ, a refuge to the community, and to equip its members for service (Eph 4:11-16; Mt 16:17-20).
• We believe that the local church was established by God as the most effective method for educating and maturing the new believer in their relationship to God, His word, and the world in which we live. It is the means by which leaders are identified and the primary source of their training.
• We believe that the local church should primarily be a teaching institution in all facets of a believer’s learning of God’s Word, both academic and practical.
• We believe that the revelation and expression of the kingdom of God is the ultimate result of the local church fulfilling its role as educator and mentor. True progression should be measured in the reproduction of transformed lives and Spirit-led believers.
8. We believe that every member is a minister who has been given gifts to be discovered, developed, and deployed within the local church (I Cor 12:4-13; Rom 12:3-8).
• We believe that God gives spiritual gifts to His children for the service of others. Therefore, God’s creative expression finds its fullest display in the gifting of individual believers to function together in unity as unique individual members of a local church for the edification of the Body of Christ.
9. We believe that doing church as a team is God’s design for effective ministry (Luke 10:1; Eph 4:16; I Cor 12:12-31; 14:24-25).
• Team ministry approach provides a method for identifying and training future leaders. Team ministry should be consistent and integrated with the overall purpose of the church.
10. We believe that partnering with like-minded ministries is the most effective way to further the kingdom of God on earth (Rom 15:26-27; II Cor 9:10-15). Kingdom partnerships are identified by agreement on these principles:
• Love the Lord • Love His Word
• Love the lost
• Don’t exalt secondary issues to a primary position
The distinctives of kingdom ministry are identified as:
• It isn’t comprised solely by individual organizational ability or power but in corporate organic power.
• It is the recognition of the revelation and expression of the kingdom of God through various portions under the headship of Jesus Christ the King.
• It demands organizational humility personified in the furtherance of the kingdom being placed primarily above the benefit of the organization.
• It entails the sharing of resources for the benefit of the kingdom of God.
• It places thanksgiving and praise for victory on a community wide, regional, and global scale through partnership and not merely a private organization.
11. We believe that biblical stewardship and sacrificial giving is the responsibility of every believer (I Cor 4:1, 2; 6:20; Eph 5:15-17; Heb 13:16; Gal 6:6-10).
12. We believe in the biblical definition of marriage that is sanctioned by God is that which joins one man and one woman in a covenantal union (Gen 2:24; Eph 5:22-23; Mk 10:6-9).
• We believe that the Bible prohibits sexual activity outside of the union of marriage described above (Lev 18:1-30; Rom 1:26-27; I Cor 6:9-10; I Thes 4:3-4; Heb 13:4).
• We believe that gender is determined at birth and that the biblical record reveals that these two genders are created to be complementary to each other (Gen 1:27; 2:20-23; I Pet 3:7).